AFSA Legal Action Trust

AFSA provides up to $25,000 of coverage for defense costs associated with denial of constitutional rights, “failure to educate” and criminal charges arising from school activities, when regular members in good standing are named as parties or defendants, provided that there is complete exoneration of the criminal charges. The plan also provides up to $25,000 to cover defense costs for criminal proceedings when named as parties or defendants resulting from corporal punishment, regardless of outcome, and up to $5,000 of punitive damages.

+Retiree Members Not Eligible *Associate Members Not Eligible


1. Enrollment for AFSA Legal Action Trust, Educators Professional Liability, Accidental Death and Total Disability benefits is automatic for all AFSA members in good standing.

2. AFSA Legal Action Trust’s Total Disability plan has a maximum lifetime benefit of $15,000 per member and begins the fifth month after the onset of the disability. Benefits continue as long as the member remains totally disabled, turns 65 or reaches the maximum benefit payable, whichever comes first. This benefit is offset by the monthly amounts payable from any/all other sources.

3. AFSA Legal Action Trust’s legal benefit covers defense costs associated with the denial of constitutional rights, “failure to educate” and criminal charges arising from school activities, provided there is complete exoneration of the criminal charges. However, if the criminal proceedings result from corporal punishment, the reimbursement of defense costs up to $25,000 will be made regardless of outcome. AFSA must be notified prior to a member incurring legal costs for this benefit.

4. AFSA Legal Action Trust’s Accidental Death benefits will be paid provided that AFSA has a signed beneficiary form on file and claimants provide a death certificate stating the cause of death to be accidental death.

5. Regardless of the number of claims made or charges brought, the trust’s liability for defense costs shall not exceed $25,000 to any one member per claim and/or per year.

6. AFSA Legal Action Trust’s aggregate annual maximum is $75,000 for total member benefits paid.

7. Retired members receive all the benefits of regular members with the exception of Educators Professional Liability, Legal Action Trust and any other plan that has age restrictions that the member does not qualify for due to age.

8. Associate members receive these benefits of regular membership:
Educators Professional Liability, Optional Group Insurance Plans and Union Plus benefits. Associate members do not receive AFSA Legal Action Trust, AFSA Accidental Death or AFSA Total Disability. Direct legal aid is provided to associate members for contract- or employment-related issues, but is limited to phone and/or written consultation.

Please note: Benefits are subject to change without notice.