News and Advocacy

As the custodial management contract with Aramark inside Chicago Public Schools (CPS) comes to an end, there’s a palpable mix of anticipation and reservation.The decision to bring management back unde
AFSA has embarked on an official collaboration with the largest network of school leaders in Italy, Senza Zaino.

Lizzy Crispin headed the committee that led Leonardo da Vinci High School to become the first and only Blue Ribbon high school in Buffalo, New York.

New resources and protections address mental health challenges and curbing gun violence in our communities.
In order to care for their schools, staff and students in a time of crisis, administrators must first care for themselves.

The Best Time

Last night, CPAA hosted its very first awards ceremony at the legendary Ivy Room. With all the pressing items on our agenda some people asked if this was the best time to have a celebration. The answer is absolutely – and the event proved that fact.

President Biden has met the moment in the face of extraordinary opposition and pulled us back from what could have been an intractable circumstance.

Ways to Stay in Touch with CPAA

  1. Sign Up to be a part of the work! 
    CPAA member committees are constantly looking for additional voices to be a part of the important work taking place throughout the organization. 

  2. Follow us on social media to keep up with the latest updates!
A delegation of Italian school leaders visited San Francisco to gain firsthand accounts regarding evidence-based practices that produce equitable student learning outcomes in a post-COVID-19 pandemic environment.