News and Advocacy

As the custodial management contract with Aramark inside Chicago Public Schools (CPS) comes to an end, there’s a palpable mix of anticipation and reservation.The decision to bring management back unde

Lizzy Crispin headed the committee that led Leonardo da Vinci High School to become the first and only Blue Ribbon high school in Buffalo, New York.

Overall, fatalities on the job rose 5.7%. The rise in fatal occupational injuries from 2021 to 2022 is “alarming and unacceptable” to the AFL-CIO.
Secretary Betsy DeVos testified in front of the House and Senate Education Subcommittees about the Trump Administration’s request to cut 10-12% from the Department of Education in fiscal year 2020.
In his speech, Biden said, "Educators deserve a partner in the White House. With President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden, they’ll get two."
Can you afford your medical equipment?

On Monday, May 20th -- As our new mayor was being sworn in -- former mayoral candidate Troy LaRaviere was reelected to the presidency of the Chicago Principals and Administrators Association. He and his slate won every executive office in the association’s triennial elections. Below is President LaRaviere’s statement to CPAA members which includes a call to come together to build a “powerful community” that tackles the great problems faced by CPS principals.

The House Commerce Democrats introduced a major infrastructure package.