News and Advocacy

As the custodial management contract with Aramark inside Chicago Public Schools (CPS) comes to an end, there’s a palpable mix of anticipation and reservation.The decision to bring management back unde
AFSA has embarked on an official collaboration with the largest network of school leaders in Italy, Senza Zaino.

Lizzy Crispin headed the committee that led Leonardo da Vinci High School to become the first and only Blue Ribbon high school in Buffalo, New York.

AFSA member Doreen Seaman, an Air Force veteran and school leader.
AFSA member Richard Ojeda, a Navy veteran and school leader.
AFSA Member Herb Gardner, an Army veteran and a lifelong educator.
The bottom line is: We need people to get out and vote; there are no do-overs here.
Schools across the nation are filled with students and educators facing critical mental health issues and staff shortages, and principals are lacking the necessary resources needed to handle this growing crisis .
It is up to us as school leaders to help drive the discussion on what the future of public education should look like to provide our students with a world-class education.