News and Advocacy

As the custodial management contract with Aramark inside Chicago Public Schools (CPS) comes to an end, there’s a palpable mix of anticipation and reservation.The decision to bring management back unde
While both the United States and Italy face significant challenges, sharing strategies and learning from each other’s experiences can help improve the mental health support systems in both countries.

For the past couple weeks, Chicago based Groupon has handed over its social media audience of 22 million to African American entrepreneurs, activists, and leaders to amplify their voices during the Black Live Matter Awakening that has taken place across the nation and the world since the murder of George Perry Floyd at the hands of policemen. Groupon calls the effort #PassTheMic. 

June 19, 1865 was the day when the last slaves in the land became free.
The amount spent per pupil for public elementary and secondary education (pre-K through 12th grade) for all 50 states and the District of Columbia increased.

State and local governments are struggling with stay at home orders reducing tax revenues. Without people working and buying things, income and sales taxes are drying up while state and local government expenses rise helping care for the millions afflicted by the coronavirus pandemic. The impact will be cuts in community services, like fire, policing, transportation and school budgets.

What do tight budgets mean to school leaders and will they have the resources needed to run an effective school operation, especially with the extra health and safety demands?

Part III

In Part One of this series we looked at the origins of racism. In Part Two we analyzed several forms of racism with a focus on conditioned racism. In this third and final installment, we will look at strategies and tactics for dismantling racism.

Part II: Racism Defined / How Racism Works

Part One of our primer on confronting American racism discussed the creation of racism. We learned racist ideas were concocted to justify the absolute exploitation of African people and pit European workers against them. The concoction and consumption of racist ideas to justify racial inequities and pit groups against one another has continued and evolved uninterrupted for nearly 400 years.