AFSA Family Member Awarded 2024 Union Plus Scholarship

Joseph Gottlieb, a resident of Staten Island, New York, has been awarded a $1,050 scholarship from Union Plus. Joseph, a recent graduate of Tottenville High School, plans to attend the University of Delaware this fall. He’s undecided on a major or career path but has a strong desire to help others and make a positive impact on his community. 

Joseph's father, Arnold Gottlieb, serves as the assistant principal of guidance at Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School in Brooklyn and is a dedicated member of the Council of School Supervisors & Administrators, AFSA Local 1. This scholarship highlights Union Plus’s commitment to supporting the educational aspirations of union families. More than 5,900 students applied this year and the judges awarded $200,000 to 209 scholarship winners, all of whom are extraordinary individuals.

The union heritage in Joseph's family spans many generations in addition to his father. Joseph’s great-grandmother was an International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU) member, and his grandmother was an AFGE member. “My family has a sense of pride and duty about the labor movement,” Joseph said. “Much of what we take for granted like minimum wage, vacations and 40-hour workweeks are thanks to union members.”

"We are so proud of Joe," said his beaming father. "I started off as a guidance counselor in schools and always encouraged my students to actively search for scholarships. For years, I've preached that scholarships are everywhere. Taking my own advice, our family diligently looked for opportunities and found this one through our union."

Arnold emphasized the importance of persistence and exploration in securing educational funding. "It's crucial for students and families to be proactive and resourceful," he added. "Joe's scholarship is a testament to the countless opportunities available if you take the time to search for them. We are incredibly grateful to Union Plus for supporting Joe's educational journey."

Joseph's journey in scouting has been nothing short of remarkable. As an Eagle Scout and senior assistant pastoral leader with Troop 132, Joseph was named the 2021 Scout of the Year. His Eagle Scout project, a blood drive organized in honor of his church’s pastor diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer, showcased his leadership and commitment to his community. Troop 132 scoutmaster Robert Morganstern lauded Joseph’s exemplary character and dedication.

“Joseph embodies the spirit of scouting in every aspect of his life,” Morganstern said. “His commitment to honesty, integrity and selflessness has left a lasting impression on his peers and the adult leaders in our troop. He is a natural problem-solver and consistently goes above and beyond what is expected of him.”

Beyond his scouting achievements, Joseph is a member of the National Honor Society and actively participated in the THS band, orchestra, varsity cross country, and track and field teams. His accolades include induction into the Boy Scouts of America Arrow Honor Society. 

Joseph also dedicates his time to various volunteer activities, including the Michael’s Cause Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy fundraiser, Veterans of Foreign Wars events, American Cancer Society fundraisers, Clay Pit State Park cleanups and providing child care at his church.

“This year’s Union Plus Scholarship award winners are as inspirational as ever,” Union Plus President Mitch Stevens said. “We sincerely appreciate them sharing their incredible personal accomplishments and plans with us. We wish them all continued success, and we are proud to support their education.”

If you or a family member are interested in the Union Plus Scholarship program, applications are now being accepted for the 2025 school year. Apply here.