Right now, there’s a crucial struggle about to unfold in the Illinois Legislature that will impact every staff member, student, and family in Chicago’s schools.
Thank you to the principals and assistant principals who participated in the Elected School Board Forums last week. It was crucial for laying the groundwork for inclusion after the elections.
on Wednesday, September 27 2017 - 12:00pm
CPAA is an affiliate of the American Federation of School Administrators (AFSA). Representatives from AFSA will be leading seminars aimed at explaining programs and issues that will affect those who are retired or will be retiring in the near future.
Workshops will be held on the following:
Medicare/Social Security
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
PACE ADA Paratransit Services and AARP Volunteer Opportunities
CPAA has developed a timeline depicting two real-life examples of CPS principals appealing to central office officials to use funds for special education student needs. These funds were already in the school budgets, but frozen, pending the outcome of the appeals.