News and Advocacy

As the custodial management contract with Aramark inside Chicago Public Schools (CPS) comes to an end, there’s a palpable mix of anticipation and reservation.The decision to bring management back unde

In the wake of the post-COVID-19 pandemic world, we are witnessing a surge in stress and anxiety among our students.

Central offices were set up more than a century ago to handle business and regulatory functions. Today’s schools require a fundamentally new approach.

How do you engage parents in their children's education when they find themseleves stressed every morning?

A survey of more than 2,000 moms and dads about their morning routines show what the morning hustle is really like. The results were surprising:

Education Week is reporting that the Trump administration plans to end schooling, recreation and legal aid for migrant children in shelters.
West Virginia teachers and parents may have to hit the streets to defend their kids—again. They already have twice this year.
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders took his fight against corporate greed and inequality into the den of the most anti-union retailer in the nation—Walmart.
Secretary Betsy DeVos testified in front of the House and Senate Education Subcommittees about the Trump Administration’s request to cut 10-12% from the Department of Education in fiscal year 2020.
In his speech, Biden said, "Educators deserve a partner in the White House. With President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden, they’ll get two."