News and Advocacy

As the custodial management contract with Aramark inside Chicago Public Schools (CPS) comes to an end, there’s a palpable mix of anticipation and reservation.The decision to bring management back unde
While both the U.S. and Italy face significant challenges, sharing strategies and learning from each other’s experiences can help improve the mental health support systems in both countries.

In the wake of the post-COVID-19 pandemic world, we are witnessing a surge in stress and anxiety among our students.

More than 800 participants registered for an online learning opportunity from JASON Learning and the American Federation of School Administrators to better understand the basics of distance learning.

COVID-19 Duty Pay Must be Set to 50%

School leaders, this morning I sent the letter below to CPS CEO Janice Jackson and CEdO LaTanya McDade. In short, I made a strong case for setting administrator COVID-19 "premium" compensation to the 50% level. It is my hope that the CEO and CEdO will demonstrate some respect for the value and worth of the work that school administrators like you are doing during this remarkable moment in our history. If there is an opportunity to bring up the matter during today's web conference with the CEO, feel free to do so.

CPAA Advocacy Leads to Change in the District's COVID-19 Staffing Policy

We still have work to do regarding compensation, childcare exceptions, waste, inequity, and the overall lack of guidance for principals and lack of leadership from the district during the COVID-19 closures. Still, I want to report that pressure from CPAA has led to an important change in the district's report-to-work policy.

Here is a list of resources for school leaders looking for information on coronavirus, COVID-19.
AFSA is partnering with JASON Learning to deliver a professional development program for school leaders tasked to manage education for students via technology during the coronavirus crisis.

Last night I sent part of the results from our COVID-19 Survey to the CPS CEO, the Mayor, and every member of the Board of Education.