News and Advocacy

As the custodial management contract with Aramark inside Chicago Public Schools (CPS) comes to an end, there’s a palpable mix of anticipation and reservation.The decision to bring management back unde

In the wake of the post-COVID-19 pandemic world, we are witnessing a surge in stress and anxiety among our students.

Central offices were set up more than a century ago to handle business and regulatory functions. Today’s schools require a fundamentally new approach.
The study reports that growth in oral reading fluency among students flattened and remained stalled this past spring, with students in Grades 2 and 3 most affected.
Presidential leadership success is a matter of timing, empathy for what the U.S. people are going through and setting clear goals early in your term.
I feel I am crawling to the finish line. 2020 has been one of the hardest years of my life.
All of us must stand together against anti-Asian racism.
Watch an on-demand webinar about keeping your school community healthy. Indoor Air Quality 101 for School Leaders.
Donis learned the three Fs—be fair, firm and friendly.